Monday, March 22, 2010

From My Rear View Mirror

REMEMBER WHEN we were kids and we actually asked to go outside and play, because we were full of energy and needed an outlet to work it off?
REMEMBER WHEN, once we got outside, we used our imagination to come up with activities that only children could think of, using such props as cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, and sticks we found in the yard?
REMEMBER WHEN we played cops and robbers, using bandanas as masks and pointed fingers as guns?And nobody considered our behavior abnormal or dangerous for doing so?
REMEMBER WHEN our parents scolded us for interrupting when adults were talking?
REMEMBER WHEN the family invited friends or relatives over for Sunday dinner after church and the children ate after the adults, due to lack of seating, and no one left hungry?
REMEMBER WHEN each household had only one TV, and Dad had first dibs on which program we watched?
REMEMBER WHEN the networks had family-oriented values and profanity and nudity were taboo?
REMEMBER WHEN children were taught to respect their elders, and spending the weekend at grandma's house was a special treat?
REMEMBER WHEN chewing gum in class was considered a major infraction, and teachers were highly esteemed members of the community?
REMEMBER WHEN Little League games were played without over-zealous parents embarassing the players?
REMEMBER WHEN neighbors looked out for each other and shared house keys during vacation time?
REMEMBER WHEN moral absolutes were proclaimed from our pulpits and re-taught at home?
REMEMBER WHEN  Hollywood movie stars were too busy making movies to pose as political experts?
AND REMEMBER WHEN politicians actually cared about voting the voice of their electors?
I'm just saying...

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, do I remember! I also remember when parents disciplined thier children - talking on the phone was a privilege - chores were part of being family - the games we played were board games around a table not individual electronic games played in your room
    I could go on and on . . .
