Friday, March 27, 2009


How many times have you heard someone say (in response to an unexpected happening), "If only I had known beforehand, I could have been better prepared to accept it!" Bringing it closer to home, how often have you and I reacted similarly?

The old expression, "To be forewarned is to be forearmed", isn't always true in our personal life experiences. Truthfully, most of us would worry ourselves into bed, if we knew when and where life's next crisis would confront us. I call it worrying on the installment plan. And in our futile efforts to avoid the storms, we would abort God's ultimate plan to bring comfort out of the chaos.
Though I don't believe God originates and orchestrates life's turmoil and troubles, He does allow them, even for the most godly and dedicated among us. And, although Christians are certainly not exempt from these storms, we do not go through them alone. God is not a heavenly battering ram, going ahead of us to clear the way. He is our Comforter, to walk alongside us through life's setbacks and difficulties. And, though we may tremble on the Rock, the Rock (Jesus Christ) will never tremble under us.

Just as a math professor at times must work through a series of equations to lead his class to the right conclusion to a problem, so you and I must work through our hurts, hangups, and habits to become the people of God that He has designed us to be. And just as Jesus was with the disciples during the storm at sea, so He has promised to be with us, in the good times and the bad times, and on the mountaintop, as well as in life's valleys. FEAR NOT!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Imagine the following scenario:

You've just received boarding passes for that long-awaited 10-day family cruise to an exotic Pacific island getaway. After verifying and locating your cabin assignment, you unlock the door, breathing deeply, all the while contemplating the reality and excitement of your impending adventure.

In keeping with your expectations, a banquet-like spread awaits your dining pleasure. Activity abounds and the fun-in-the-sun is non-stop. Two days into the cruise, you're still in awe of your continued good fortune. How could life posssibly be better? And then it happens.

Ominous black clouds begin to form on the horizon. An unexpected announcement interrupts the merriment: "Ladies and gentlemen, the ship is heading into the path of a potentially dangerous storm. Everyone please return to your cabins and secure your belongings, as a precautionary measure. There is no need to panic, as the captain and his crew will have everything under control."

Just as you finish reassuring those in your party that there's nothing to worry about, another announcement follows: "Ladies and gentlemen, we seem to have misplaced the captain, and are awaiting further instructions from him. We will keep you posted of further developments. Again, there is no reason to panic."

Although the above illustration is admittedly a bit exaggerated, how would you have reacted to the captain's unexplained disappearance in a time of great need?

According to one gospel account, Jesus' disciples faced a similar situation. On an otherwise normal seafaring trip, a storm threatened their security. Naturally, fear overtook them, causing them to summon Him for help. Finding their leader asleep, they questioned his lack of concern for their safety. Couldn't He have done something to avoid the storm? With three simple words, "Peace, be still!" the storm abated.

Have you had any storms interrupt your life lately? If you haven't, you will. And when your storm comes, you can either focus on how severe the storm is, or you can focus on the God who has promised to be with you through it.

Just remember: The presence of a storm doesn't mean the absence of God.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Inspiration Demands Activation

When was the last time you experienced an "aha moment," whether through a best-selling book, a dynamic motivational speech, or an unexpected creative idea while you were driving to work?

Did you write down your inspiration? Perhaps you shared it with your spouse or a close friend. Or maybe you did a voice recording . Or did you consider it one of your crazy ideas that probably wouldn't work even if you followed through with it?

My point is this: Inspiration without activation equals frustration.
What have you done to activate your inspiration? How far along are you on the path to converting that vision, dream, or idea into a reality? If you are like most of us, you're waiting for the right time, the right conditions, or the right opportunity.

I attended a Christian writer's conference last week, and at age 62 I assumed I would be one of the oldest conferees. I was amazed to discover folks in their seventies --many of whom were first-timers, as I was. They were seniors on a mission--to put into words what their heart had dictated years earlier. I came home determined that, if they could do it, so could I.

And so I am, as one middle-aged lady put it, embarking on a new career. I am a Christian writer, and you are reading my first blog.

Thanks for the encouragement!!