Friday, March 27, 2009


How many times have you heard someone say (in response to an unexpected happening), "If only I had known beforehand, I could have been better prepared to accept it!" Bringing it closer to home, how often have you and I reacted similarly?

The old expression, "To be forewarned is to be forearmed", isn't always true in our personal life experiences. Truthfully, most of us would worry ourselves into bed, if we knew when and where life's next crisis would confront us. I call it worrying on the installment plan. And in our futile efforts to avoid the storms, we would abort God's ultimate plan to bring comfort out of the chaos.
Though I don't believe God originates and orchestrates life's turmoil and troubles, He does allow them, even for the most godly and dedicated among us. And, although Christians are certainly not exempt from these storms, we do not go through them alone. God is not a heavenly battering ram, going ahead of us to clear the way. He is our Comforter, to walk alongside us through life's setbacks and difficulties. And, though we may tremble on the Rock, the Rock (Jesus Christ) will never tremble under us.

Just as a math professor at times must work through a series of equations to lead his class to the right conclusion to a problem, so you and I must work through our hurts, hangups, and habits to become the people of God that He has designed us to be. And just as Jesus was with the disciples during the storm at sea, so He has promised to be with us, in the good times and the bad times, and on the mountaintop, as well as in life's valleys. FEAR NOT!

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